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Just for today, I will…
Not be angry,
Not worry,
Be grateful,
Do my work honestly,
Be kind to every living thing.

– Reiki Principles

About Us

Mr. Lie

Mr. Lie was born in China and grew up in Hong Kong. He studied Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts) and Tai Chi in Beijing for over 4 years during his late teens. It was during this period that he learned Chinese Acupressure "Nerve Art Massage" which he used to facilitate healing from injury and strengthening of the mind and body. In his search for his own inner peace, he found himself in Tibet for 2 years where he learned Reiki and meditation along side Tibetan Monks. His interest in Meditation brought him to India, where he spent 2 years eating only fruit and drinking water while studying Vipassana Meditation, Indian Head Massage and Seichim. He then travelled to Nepal for 6 months to learn Samatha Meditation. After that, Jet Lie went to Burma for 2 years where he lived and practiced as a Buddhist Monk. For the past few years Mr. Lie has been living in Thailand and offers Reiki Treatments as well as Reiki Training Courses in Koh Samui and Khanom Beach.

Training Courses

Reiki Master Thailand offers Energy Healing and Massage Training Courses in Koh Samui & Khanom Beach, Thailand. Training Courses are lead by Mr. Lie. He is a Tibetan Reiki and Seichim Master and is also certified in Chinese Hand and Foot Reflexology as well as Chinese Acupressure "Nerve Art Massage". Mr. Lie has taught many people from all over world how to facilitate healing and recovery in themselves and for others.

All training courses offered can be altered to your personal needs in terms of time of day and days of the week, depending on Mr. Lie's schedule while in Koh Samui or Khanom Beach. A standard 3 hour per day 7-day course can be modified to a 4 hour per day 5-day course or a 2 hour per day 10-day course.

Please Contact us for more information.